

  • ECOLOGICAL: Protect the environment by reducing your paper consumption.
  • MULTIPLE LANGUAGES: Share your information in multiple languages automatically.
  • ALWAYS WITH YOU: Save it on the mobile/laptop and you will never run out of cards again.
  • VIRALISE YOUR CONTENT: Share and let others share your card in any social network with a single click.
  • CONVERSION: You can use the variety of engagement tools (videos, survey links, subscription forms, etc.) to boost your conversion and track how many new clients you’ve acquired.

Why Brand Card?

Save Time and Cost of Designing and Printing Paper Cards. Share easily with anyone from anywhere with convenience and speed. Secure 100% leads. Customised according to your brand. Includes brand profile, product/service, gallery, social links, payment options, catalogue, etc. The shortest route to your customers is through their mobile phones.

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